The routine management and Quality Assurance actions of the Degree Program are carried out by the Quality Management Group, which also assumes the role of the Review Group and therefore prepares the Annual Monitoring Report and the Cyclical Review Report.
The Group is assigned the tasks of supervision, promotion of quality policies at the Degree Program level, identification of necessary corrective actions, and verification of their implementation. The group carries out periodic monitoring activities of the results of teaching evaluation questionnaires; addresses any reported issues, plans possible corrective actions, and oversees their implementation. The Group also evaluates student performance indicators (credits acquired, graduation times, dropout rates, cohort analysis) and graduate employment outcomes, as well as the overall attractiveness of the Degree Program. It ensures the correct compilation of the course syllabi and coordinates the completion of the Annual Course Report (SUA‐CdS).
The Quality Management Group of the Degree Program consists of:
- Prof. Elena Cotta Ramusino (Chair)
- Prof. Paolo Pintacuda (Degree Program Faculty Member)
- Ms. Alice Sabbioni Anelli (Student)
Other key participants in the teaching quality system include:
- Commissione paritetica docenti-studenti del Dipartimento
- Presidio di Qualità di Ateneo (which includes Presidio di Area Umanistica)