
Final Examination

The degree is awarded upon passing a final examination, which aims to verify the achievement of the educational objectives of the degree program.

The final examination consists of a thesis worth 3 ECTS credits. The thesis must relate to the languages, literatures, or cultures studied and will be conducted under the supervision of a supervisor chosen from among the faculty responsible for a teaching activity within the degree program. In agreement with the supervisor, the thesis may be written in Italian or in one of the foreign languages studied.

The thesis must consist of a written report of approximately 20,000 characters (excluding spaces); for students in the Business Languages curriculum, it is recommended to focus on the internship completed.

The topic and type of the thesis will be agreed upon with the supervisor.

The Commission for the awarding of the degree will consist of at least three members. The supervisor must declare, or provide in writing to the President of the Commission, their approval of the thesis, accompanied by a proposed grade.

A weighted average will be calculated based on all exams taken, including any additional ones. To obtain the degree, a minimum score of 66 points is required; the maximum score is 110 points. The thesis is graded up to a maximum of 3 points; an additional 2 points may be awarded by the Commission based on the student's academic performance (presence of honors, grades in core subjects, timely completion of studies). Unanimity of the Commission is required for the award of honors. Further information about the final examination is provided in the educational guide and/or on the Department's website.

In graduation sessions, candidates are not required to present their thesis; only the proclamation of graduates in Modern Languages and Cultures will take place, even in the absence of the individuals concerned.